Statistics Department
Sound Statistics for Sustainable Development
Anguilla Statistics Department
P.O.Box 60
The Valley,
AI-2640, Anguilla
(264)-497-5731 | (264)-497-3986

  • 6/15/2022 12:00:00 AM
  • Anguilla Population and Housing Census Day
  • 6/15/2022 12:00:00 AM
  • 3/31/2025 12:00:00 AM
  • Anguilla Population and Housing Census Day
  • Deadline for the submission of the Annual Business Survey (National Accounts, Balance of Payments and International Investment Position)
  • YOU ARE HERE: Census



Anguilla by law is required to conduct a Population and Housing Census every ten (10) years as stated within the Statistics Department's mandate; "to take any census in Anguilla".

Anguilla's next Population and Housing Census is scheduled for the year 2022. Census Day is set as Wednesday, May 11th, 2022.
This will be Anguilla's 7th full census after having previously conducted censuses in the years 1960, 1974, 1984, 1992, 2001 and 2011.

  • » What is a Population and Housing Census?
    • A census is the process used to acquire information about every member of a given population. This term is mostly used in connection with national 'population and door to door censuses' (to be taken every 10 years according to United Nations recommendations). Most Caribbean countries conduct censuses every 10 years.

      A housing census is the total process of collecting, compiling, evaluating, analysing and publishing or otherwise disseminating statistical data pertaining, at a specified time, to all living quarters and occupants thereof in a country or in a well delimited part of a country.

  • » What is the Purpose of a Census?
    • Given the periodicity of a census (to be taken every 10 years according to United Nations recommendations), the population size and characteristics of an economy are subject to change. The increasing complexity of modern life means a greater need to plan housing, schools, roads, transportation and a vast range of other social and economic requirements for the nation. This cannot be done without a regular, detailed count of the population.

      The census data also provides a benchmark on which initial economic, social plans, policies and programmes can be based. The large sample size and coverage of the Census facilitate studies by geographical area, analyses on different population groups etc.

  • » How is a Census taken?
    • An AP&H Census is a complex series of interrelated steps that must be executed in a logical sequence to ensure that the various components are completed in a systematic and timely manner which optimises cost, time and respondent burden. Census operations can be divided into six (6) phases: (a) preparatory work; (b) enumeration; (c) data processing; (d) building of needed databases and dissemination of the results; (e) evaluation of the results; and (f) analysis of the results.

      The initial phase includes preparation of the legal framework, sensitisation of key stakeholders and other administrative and operational activities. Plans are drawn up outlining what information is to be collected, how it is to be recorded and how the findings are to be presented; this work is done locally by the Census Advisory Committee.

      The next step for the AP&H Census is Cartography and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In the case of Anguilla, the country is divided into small areas called Enumeration Districts (EDs). A map is prepared for each ED. The map outlines the boundaries within which the enumerator has to work and facilitates the work of the enumerator.?

      After census day, the trained enumerators are instructed to interview all persons living in every dwelling unit and record all information on the survey instrument.

  • » Who provides the Census data?
    • The census covers both the resident and census day population (including foreign residents). For the resident population, it includes every person who has lived in Anguilla for more than 6 months, not including temporary absences for holiday or work assignment, or individuals who plan to live in Anguilla for at least 6 months. In other words, it includes belongers and non-belongers (including undocumented persons or non-permanent residents who holds a work or study permit) as long as they live in Anguilla for more than 6 months continuously.

      The census counts people according to their usual place of residence. Ideally, every individual in the household should be interviewed, but this is not always possible. It is therefore permitted for any responsible adult (over 16 years of age), who is a member of the household, to give the information about all the persons in that household, provided that he/she knows all the required answers.

  • » What is collected?

  • » How is the Census data used?
    • After the census data is processed, the information is disseminated to users in various formats that do not break the confidentiality of individual or household information. The census data may be used by itself or it may likely be used in conjunction with data from other collections. Therefore, certain quality standards are applied during processing.

      The Census will generate important and essential data that will be used both locally and internationally. A brief outline of some of the major uses of the Census Data are as follows:

      (i)   Development of Policies and Programmes
      Census data are used for developing policies and programmes aimed at enhancing the welfare of Anguilla and its population. The Census will provide critical benchmark data in terms of size of the population, mid-year population estimates during the inter-censal years, age structure, birth rates, employment, educational attainment, income and the housing stock.

      The availability of these data can contribute to the overall planning process and management of national affairs. For example, the age structure of the population by village will inform the government where additional educational facilities are needed.

      The information from the Census can also be used to formulate pension plans, health care packages, housing and employment programmes. The need for additional hospitals, roads and public transport can be determined based on the results of the Census. In essence, all aspects of the Census can be used to make decisions affecting your village or the entire country.

      (ii)   The Business Sector
      The business sector may also use the data generated from the census. Information on the population distribution by age and sex, as well as income levels may have a direct impact on the types of products companies invest in for the long term. Income levels also influence the demand for housing, food, clothing, medical supplies and so on.

      (iii)   Research Purposes
      The census data can be used for research purposes. This is very important especially in the inter-censal years where data are required for policy and decision making. The Census of Population and Housing will provide a rich source of data for demographic, social and economic research. It will provide comprehensive information at the national and local levels on the size, distribution and composition of the population

      (iv)   A Sampling Frame for Households
      Anguilla plans to carry out sample surveys during inter-censal periods, e.g. an ongoing Labour Force Survey. A sample survey means that fewer households need to be asked the questions and the costs will be lower and yet good data can still be produced. For a sample survey instead of a census to be done, a complete list of households must be available from which the sample is drawn. The listing of households as part of the census process will make this possible.

      (v)   International Comparison
      Census information can be used to compare critical factors, such as size of population, age, sex distribution, income levels and educational attainment with other countries. It is vital to ensure a high degree of comparability and consistency not only in the Caribbean area but also internationally.

  • » What about other Countries?
    • In most countries, the census exercise is a decennial one, that is, every ten (10) years. In some countries censuses are conducted more often, every five (5) years. The last population census in Anguilla was taken in 2001, that is ten years ago. Since then, many changes have taken place. Such as: fluctuating rates of population growth, changes in employment, changes in the average annual number of births, etc.; all of which will have implications on the demand in social services, e.g. health, education and infrastructure including water, electricity and roads.

  • » Secrecy, Confidentiality and the Census
    • The law requires that all individual or identifiable information collected which from the census remain confidential. When you, and all other field staff, accept the job as an enumerator, as well as employees of the Anguilla Statistics Department (ASD), you must sign an oath of secrecy.

      You swear or affirm not to reveal any data collected during the process of your work pertaining to the Census, to anyone other than sworn employees of the census organization.

      The AP&H Census 2011 is being taken under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Anguilla, Chapter S60, which protects the confidentiality of individual information.

Previous Censuses

Census 2001 -
Census 2011 -