1.4 Labour Statistics1.4 Labour and Time Use Statistics
Labour statistics covers statistics on labour force, labour market, employment and unemployment; the more detailed topics include economically active population, labour conditions, health and safety at work (accidents at work, occupational injuries and diseases, work-related health problems), working time and other working conditions, strikes and lockouts, job vacancies, job creation.
Domain: 1
Category: 1.04 Labour Statistics
Anguilla conducted its first and only to-date labour force survey in 1999, sporadic information on the labour force have been collected via the conducted censuses and Country Poverty Assessment (CPA).
Other data would also include labour permit data by different category (sex, country of birth etc.).
This will exclude any labour data on
Source(s): Labour Department, Anguilla Statistics Department
Available: 1974 - 2022
Labour Statistics - TablesX