1.2 Migration and Citizenship Statistics1.2 Migration and Citizenship Statistics
Migration and Citizenship statistics covers migration, citizenship and acquisition of citizenship. Migration is influenced by a combination of economic, political, environmental and social factors either in the migrant’s country of origin (push factors) or influences the country of destination (pull factors) similarly.
Domain: 1
Category: 1.02 Migration and Citizenship Statistics
This includes the naturalization and citizenship of people within Anguilla.
The disaggregation of data for naturalization and citizenship are only available form 2014 onwards.
Additionally, the number of registrations received for naturalization and citizenship by country of birth are only available from 2014 onwards.
Source(s): Attorney General Office, Anguilla Statistics Department
Frequency: Monthly
Available: 2000 - 2022
Migration & Citizenship Statistics: Series - TablesX