2.2 National Accounts Statistics 2.2 National Accounts Statistics
National Accounts Statistics are derived from the calculation of estimates for economic activity of a nation which use accounting
techniques called national accounting. They are calculated using the System of National Accounts (SNA) methodology covers work on
National Accounts in both current and constant prices.
Common and basis components of metadata include graph labels and footnotes. Additional details are usually found in the
explanatory notes which would provide the user of the data with concepts, sources and methods among other attribute of the
The System of National Accounts (SNA) is the internationally agreed standard set of recommendations on how to compile measures of economic
activity. The SNA describes a coherent, consistent and integrated set of macroeconomic accounts in the context of a set of internationally
agreed concepts, definitions, classifications and accounting rules.
In addition, the SNA provides an overview of economic processes, recording how production is distributed among consumers, businesses, government
and foreign nations. It shows how income originating in production, modified by taxes and transfers, flows to these groups and how they allocate
these flows to consumption, saving and investment. Consequently, the national accounts are one of the building blocks of macroeconomic statistics
forming a basis for economic analysis and policy formulation. The SNA is widely used across countries in the world, and is the standard tool for
comparing economic performance across countries and periods, and across economic sectors in a single period. It was developed jointly by various
international organizations spearheaded by the United Nations Statistical Commission.
Domain: 2 Economic
Theme: 2.2 National Accounts
The GDP estimates were rebased to 2006 in 2010, and are broadly consistent with the 1993 SNA. Annual estimates of GDP by economic activity (GDP-P) at current and constant 2006 prices; as well as for GDP by expenditure (GDP-E) at current prices using the residual approach. Quarterly GDP estimates are not compiled.
Source: Anguilla Statistics Department, Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB)
Frequency: Annual
Available: 1994 - 2020
National Accounts: Series - TablesX